About the nteract open source organization


The nteract open source organization is committed to building the future of interactive computing. We are committed to:

  • Creating fantastic interactive computing experiences that allow people to collaborate with ease.
  • Emphasizing simplicity and composability as core design principles to provide users ideal building blocks for their unique data applications.
  • Valuing our contributors and users and cooperating to produce solutions that delight others.

Software is not possible without people. Thank you to all the contributors who have helped build the nteract open source ecosystem.


M. Scott Ford
Matt McCormick
tam kien duong
Brian E. Granger
Yuvi Panda
Andy R. Terrel
Florian Idelberger
Fernando Perez
Aarni Koskela
Holden Karau
Andrew Parker
Marius van Niekerk
Ryan Lanciaux
Nils Werner
Leo Gallucci
Jared Forsyth
Paul Ivanov
Matthew Wardrop
Dongbo Wang
Min RK
Peter Parente
Tarek Rached
Harrington Joseph
James Koch
Paul Taylor
Larry O'Brien
Joel Bennett
Leo Dirac
Thomas A Caswell
Nicolas Kruchten
Harald Schilly
Ken Wheeler
Charles Jolley
Matthias Bussonnier
Greg Roodt
Diego Colombo
Alasdair Smith
Thomas Ballinger
Craig Citro
Elijah Meeks
Grant Nestor
Dominik Moritz
Rachel Binx
Will Whitney
Kayur Patel
James Phillips
Tanuj Mittal
Jeff Treviño
Dana Bauer
Jay Phelps
Kyle Kelley
Alexey Raspopov
Brett Naul
Jelle Zijlstra
Jace Browning
Eduardo Blancas
Andrew Osheroff
Matthew Conlen
Laurence Watson
Charles Smith
Shotaro Kohama
Vincent Barnabé-Lortie
Saul Shanabrook
Nathaniel Deal
William Stein
Aquil Abdullah
Sebastián Ramírez
J Forde
Matthias De Vriendt
Tim Head
Koushik Krishnan
Joaquín Ruales
Sebastian Fiedlschuster
Pierce Freeman
Marc Udoff
Andrej Hoos
Chris Holdgraf
Safia Abdalla
Matthew Seal
Jack Parmer
Steven Silvester
Sasan Jafarnejad
Dylan Ross
David Lewis
M Pacer
Carol Willing
Al Johri
Zachary Sailer